Thursday, August 15, 2013


Good mornin' y'all.... Today I would like to make a Blessings List.  Last night at our church meeting our pastor was talking to us about the committment we should be willing to make to our church and therefore to the Lord.  He reitereated that after ALL that HE has done for us, should we not be willing to give up, just a very few hours in proportion, of our week, back to HIM?  Hmmmm..... well, now there is a thought!  AND.... our pastor also made us think about this.... that by being a Church Member we are a part of a "team" if you will.  He compared it with being a player on a football team, and how if one of those players are missing how much impact it has on the team as a WHOLE.   Hmmmm.....ya know, he had a point there.  How can I not, give him back ohhhh, what.... approximately only 3 hours a week, when HE has given so much MORE to me.... ALL of my LIFE.... for instance?  Wow.  compare that .... CAN YOU?  3 hours.... an entire LIFE?  Okay, so I totally get that perspective.  Loud and clear!~  Now, Pastor Ron wasn't saying all of this to make us feel bad, if we are not in "our places", at church when we should be, but to help us to see that not only are we being a team player, but we are not there to receive the MANY BLESSINGS THAT GOD HAS FOR US DURING THOSE TIMES.  Reeeally?  Well, right then, I thought back to the times when I wasn't in my place there, meaning that I stayed home from church, for one reason or another.... and my sweet friend, Dottie, would always send me a text (or fb message, or call, whatever) and say those SAME WORDS to me... You missed your blessings.... I'm sorry you couldn't be there, because you missed your blessings!  WELL.... wonder what those blessings were?  Hmmmm..... I will never know because I was not there, to receive them.  I wasn't in my place, at my church, being a PART of that church family, holding up MY end of  "the rope".  Hmmmm.....  Now when putting it that way... I have to ask myself, why wouldn't I want to receive any of God's blessings?  Life is really waaaay to short to miss even ONE of those.  Yes it is!   

Soooo.... I come back to The Blessings List... that another friend, asked all of her friends on fb this morning, to make!  Think of all the many things that you feel God has BLESSED YOU WITH, and write them down!  I am going to.  But felt the need and desire to share these words here with you before I go to do that.  BECAUSE believe it or not, I am feeling like a blessing myself....  Really?  Did I just say that?  THAT I CAN BE A BLESSING???   Well, why not?  THAT is exactly what God would want me (or you, or you, or YOU!) to be to those along Life's way we meet.  

Yes, I will write that list, but before I WRITE THE THINGS I AM BLESSED WITH..... let me see if  I CAN WRITE THE WAYS IN WHICH I CAN BE A BLESSING..... Hmmmm..... now THERE really is a thought, huh?  Yes, I have accepted God, in my heart, a long time ago, and now not so long ago, I have joined this church, of whom I wanted to be a part of, but yet how can I be a blessing, if I am not there, at that church, whenever the doors are open, to receive the BLESSINGS GOD HAS FOR ME????   I figure if I am to BE a Blessing, I need to GET FILLED UP with the Blessings God has in store for me. all seems to go hand in hand, and comes back around full circle, when you think about it.  So, this morning, before I get to writing my own BLESSINGS LIST, (because I know in my heart really by now, what they are, and I could be here all day writing that list!).... maybe, just maybe it is TIME for me to make a Blessings List, of ways that I CAN BE A BLESSING!  I really think that that is what GOD is asking of me today.... He is saying, maybe... "Now Lynn, my dear, you KNOW all of the things I have done for you, you REMEMBER all of the times that I was THERE for you, and you surely can THINK of ways now, that YOU can be a BLESSING.  Don't you?  Soooo I think for you today, my dear Lynn, it is time for you to make a list that shows ways that YOU CAN give back, and BE a blessing." ..... Hmmmm.... now THERE is a thought!  
Dear Heavenly Father.....Thank you Lord for helping me to realize this morning, that my Blessings List is long, and plentiful, and help me to remember that without YOU, I would be nothing.  BUT WITH YOU, I can be ALOT of things.... things that would bring joy to me, to my family and friends, and also a BLESSING to SOMEONE else... in some way!  So Lord, I will concentrate on that today... and I pray YOU will show me the ways, and help me to break out of my comfort zone, if need be, to do just that!  Help me Oh Lord, to focus not on the things that need to be done around here, with these boxes or this STUFF, but to realize that TIME is short, and I need to use the Blessings you have given me, in order that I might be able to share them with others, in some way.  That is my prayer this morning, Lord.  And I want to THANK YOU for the people you have put into my path at this time of my life, that have been a blessing to me, in order to help me see that me, little 'ole me, can  DO SOMETHING, to give back to YOU!  Thank you Jesus, and I thank you for loving me and forgiving me of all of my sins, and giving me of your bountiful GRACE daily.  In Jesus holy name.  ~Amen. 

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